Sunday, May 17, 2009

Maple Trees Are Evil!

Before launching into my rant about evil maple trees, I did want to show a few photos of our yard. We have some pretty wildflowers at the base of our maple tree in the front yard. And a patch of ornamental grasses that we're hoping to make into a pleasant sitting area. And I guess as long as no one enlarges the photos, it's not so bad. But if you look at the photo of our driveway, you will see the spoor of my archenemy. Yes, that same tree that looks so friendly and harmless surrounded by those flowers, in collaboration with its colleagues around the neighborhood, has left its mark in our yard. This spring has had an abundance of rain, which has caused the grass and many other plants to thrive. I swear our grass grew an inch overnight one rainy night this past week! And the maple trees have gone crazy. Last Sunday morning, we had high winds gusting in the 30s. At one point I looked out the window and did a doubletake -- the maple tree whirligigs were coming down so thick and fast that it looked like a snowstorm. Our yard and driveway were covered with the things! It's almost impossible to get rid of them. The yard has already been raked and yet they're still everywhere. Which means that we'll spend a lot of time this summer pulling up baby trees. These maple trees are engaged in a plot to take over the world. They're evil, I say!

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